
Liberty Square Riverboat

13 bytes added, 19:53, 9 June 2018
/* Attraction Plot */
==Attraction Plot==
[[Image:BeaconJOe.jpg|thumb|360px|Beacon Joe as seen from the Liberty Square Riverboat. Photo by Lauren Javier]]
The Liberty Square Riverboat begins with the boats captain, Horace Bixby , making sure that everyone is aboard, before telling the crew to put the boat in motion. His leadsman then sounds off (to get a depth reading), before the engine room puts the boat in motion. Horace then addresses guests, saying:
{{Quotation| "Welcome aboard the Liberty Belle, I'm your captain Horace Bixby and my pilot with me here on the Texas Deck is a young cub that goes by the name of Samuel Clemens."}}
It turns out that this trip aboard the Liberty Belle is the 100th journey for young Sam Clemens, who claims to know the Rivers of America like the back of his hand. Before the Belle leaves port, Sam warns guests to stay behind the railings, as river pirates are known to lurk around these waters.
The first sight that guests can see from the Liberty Belle is [[Frontierland]]. Sam comments that Frontierland was once just a boom town, and although there are still a few trappers, prospectors , and Indians, the town is well on its way to becoming a big city. Sam also mentions that the large peak in the town is known as [[Chick-A-Pin Hill]]. It seems that the dam atop the hill has burst, and people have begun to ride carved out logs over the ledge. Continuing on, the boat passes Sam's "old stomping ground", [[Tom Sawyer Island]]. Sam says that the only way to get to the island is by raft, before pointing out parts of the island including: Muff Potters Potter's Pond, Harper's Mill, Tom's Landing, and Huck's Landing (it seems that Tom, Huck and Sam used to explore the island quite a bit while looking for adventure).
Turning guests guest's attention port side, Sam next points out [[Big Thunder Mountain]], before giving guests a little bit of history behind the attraction. Sam explains that hat the water gets so hot over by the attraction that geysers erupt. Indians used to the think that the geysers were spirits and they named the mountain “Big Thunder Mountain” because of the rain that would come from it. Later, when prospectors and settlers came to the area, the name stuck. Sam goes on to warn guests however, that there has not been blasting in the mountain in some time. Instead, all he hears now are ghost stories about spirits and runaway mine trains.
As the boat continues its journey, the next sight that guests can see is Beacon Joe and his bait shop. Sam informs guests that Beacon Joe has been marking the river for as long as he can remember. Further down the bank, Powhatan Indians are gathering, and Captain Bixby explains that although he has seen various Indian tribes, (including the Seminole, Black Feet, and Crow tribes) Powhatan Indians are not usually found this far west. Sam suggests that since there are so many animals in the area, they are simply following the food. [[Image:IndianVillage.jpg|thumb|380px|The Indian village as seen from the Liberty Square Riverboat. Photo by Daryl Mitchell]]
Continuing on, the boat passes an unidentified Indian village. The captain informs guest that the Indians were not sure what to make of the steamboat originally, and the they called the ship a "fire canoe" and “comet of sun”. Scenes in the village include Indians cooking, trading, washing, and also two kids working on canoes. Past the village, guests see the Indian burial ground where the captain explains that the Indians lay their dead warriors on a "Bed of Death" and mourn them after nightfall.
Further down the river, the Liberty Belle reaches Cutthroat Corner. Sam tells riders that Cutthroat Corner, is the most likely place to find river pirates. Sure enough, pirates can be heard coming from Wilson's Cave; however Sam tells gusts that based on the sounds coming out of the cave, "their interests lie elsewhere". Looking back towards Tom Sawyer Island, guests can see Fort Laghorn, which Sam explains began as a trading post before becoming a port.
Before returning to port in [[Liberty Square]], the leadsman calls out one more time, and the Liberty Belle passes the [[Haunted Mansion]]. Sam informs guests that rumor has it that the mansion was built on Indian burial ground, and now 999 ghosts haunt it. He says however, that he does not believe in these stories (insinuating that the people who say they've seen ghosts, have been drinking). Finally, the Liberty Belle reaches port and Sam and Captain Bixby say goodbye as the boat docks.
If you want to hear the Liberty Square Riverboat narration, click below: