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The Haunted Mansion

2,807 bytes added, 23:08, 26 January 2012
/* The Queue */
The Haunted Mansion is a dark ride which takes guests through an aging Hudson River Valley mansion where 999 ghosts live and roam about.
===The Queue==The original queue for the Haunted Mansion featured a hillside graveyard full of humorous tombstones. In 2010 however, the queue was given an overhaul. Now when guests reach a certain point in the line, the have the option of going left or right. If they go right, they will go directly into the mansion, but if they choose to go left, guests can experience what Disney calls the "graveyard queue". ===The Family of Busts===In the graveyard queue one of the first things that guests will see is a family of marble busts. The family is comprised of *Bertie - Avid hunter and expert shot, in the end that’s what he got. *Aunt Florence - Never did a dishonorable deed. Yet found face down in canary seed. *Uncle Jacob - Greed was the poison he had swallowed. He went first, the others followed. His killer’s face he surely knew, now try to discover who killed who. *The Twins, Wellington & Forsythia - Departed life while in their beds, with identical bumps on identical heads. *Cousin Maude - Our sleeping beauty, who never awoke the night her dreams went up in smoke. When guests pass by the busts, each bust will whisper a clue as to who killed them. It is up to guests to solve the mystery and find out who killed who.  ===The Composer Crypt===The first of three crypts that guests will pass is the Composer's Crypt. Here musical instruments are carved into the sides of the crypt. When pushed on the musical instruments play a portion of the attractions theme song "Grim Grinning Ghosts". One side of the crypt features basic instruments (such as those used by the band in the graveyard scene), while the other side features more ghoulish looking instruments. The Composers Crypt also features a large pipe organ (identical to the one in the Ballroom scene) which plays Grim Grinning Ghosts when they keys are pushed on. The keys also shoot a blast of mist at guests, often surprising them. The top of the organ features banshee heads and a red-eyed raven.  The organ is engraved with the name "Ravenscroft" who is the lead vocalist of the singing busts in the Graveyard scene.  ===The Sea Captain Crypt===The next crypt that guests come upon is the Sea Captain's. An inscription on the crypt reads" {{Quotation| "Here floats Captain Culpepper Clyne. Allergic to dirt so he’s pickled in brine. He braved the sea and all her wrath but drowned on land while taking a bath."}} The Sea Captain's arms, leg and hat are all sticking out of his green crypt. The crypt seems to be full of water, as water comes out of cracks in the crypt and squirts guests. The Sea Captain can be heard singing a "drunken sailor" song, and from time to time even sneezes, shooting water everywhere. On the more morbid side, the Sea Captain can also be heard drowsing as bubbles rush to the top of the crypt.
===The Foyer===