

5 bytes added, 21:35, 14 April 2012
/* Shopping */
'''Der Teddybar Toy Shop'''- As it's name would suggest, this shop sells dolls and toys. Guests can also buy Steiff teddy bears here.
[[Image:Biergarten.jpg|200px|thumb|Inside the Biergarten restaurant, where it is always night.]]
'''Die Weihnacts Ecke'''- This store, who's name means "The Christmas Store" in English, sells Christmas merchandise year round.
'''Kunstarbeit in Kristall'''- This shop sells jewelry, vases and other crystal works of art. Lunstarbeit in Kristall translates to "Art Work in Crystal" in English.
'''Volkskunst'''- This store used to sell craft art, but more recently it has carried more general German souvenir. Volkskunst translates to "Peoples Art" in English.