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The American Adventure (Attraction)

62 bytes added, 03:06, 1 June 2012
/* Show Plot */
{{Quotation| Stained and tinted with all colors, a seeming ethnic anarchy.<br>
Then in a little time, we became more alike than we were different.<br>
In society, not great, but fitted by our very thoughts for greatness.|Ben Franklin}}
Franklin and Twain then begin to banter about humility, before Twain says that the American Adventure should begin with Franklin. Franklin corrects him, saying that the story of America began even before him. As he speaks, images of ships crossing the ocean, and then a picture of the Mayflower reaching America are shown.
After New World Bound ends, Ben Franklin informs guests that America was not an easy place for settlers. Franklin then continued that in the future decades America would face a new problem, a growing separation from Great Britain. Colonists are then shown on the screen, rallying against Britain and debating what to do. Franklin informs guests that:
{{Quotation| First we spoke out with our voices, then we spoke out with action, with a growing defiance, that led to the Boston Tea Party.|Ben Franklin}}
At this point the screen goes dark, and a large glass scroll comes down from the ceiling. The scroll is proclamation from King George III, telling the colonists that in response to the Boston Tea Party, Boston Harbor will be closed. As colonist’s debate revolution, Franklin tells guests that finally it was time for action. As the glass scroll is removed, guests see Thomas Jefferson sitting in his loft, working tirelessly. Benjamin Franklin then climbs up the stairs into the loft. After an exasperated Jefferson then proclaims that John Adams should have been the one to write the Declaration. After some reassurance from Franklin, Jefferson announces that the Continental Congress was able to ratify a final version of the Declaration of Independence. He then reads:
{{Quotation| We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.|Thomas Jefferson}}
===In the Days of '76===
{{Quotation|In the end, we the people, prevailed and achieved perhaps our greatest dream.
Thirteen very different colonies became the United States of America, and we were free to become an entire nation of dreamers and doers.| Benjamin Franklin}}
===Westward Expansion and the Civil War===