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Splash Mountain

3 bytes added, 19:03, 8 February 2013
/* The Ride */
After boarding their logs and moving out of the loading area, the first character guests will encounter is Brer Frog. Located on the left hand side of the flumes, Brer Frog gives a warning about Brer Rabbit, "Mark my words, Brer Rabbit's gonna put his foot in Brer Fox's mouth." As the flumes continue on, an instrumental version the song, "How Do You Do" begins to play. Along the banks of the tracks riders can see various houses including Brer Fox's, and also various pieces of farm equipment. These items were placed there so that riders would feel as if they were on a river in the Southern United States. After taking a right turn into a little cave, guests can see Brer Bear's house on their right hand side. After exiting the cave, the flumes go down the first drop in the attraction, "Slippin Falls".
Following the falls, the boats enter a swamp which has Audio Animatronic animals singing "How Do You Do". The animals (including Brer Frog) are fishing in an area clearly marked as "no fishing". Continuing forward, riders see Brer Rabbit outside his house. Brer Fox and Bear are also there, watching intently as Brer Rabbit sings that, "It's time to be moving along". Ignoring the warnings of Mr. Blue Bird, Brer Rabbit leaves his home, to go and find adventure.
After passing Brer Rabbit’s house, the flume turns a corner into a scene where riders see that Brer Bear has fallen into a trap set for Brer Rabbit. Brer Bear is hanging in the trap at the top of the tree, while Brer Fox scolds him and tries to get him down. Across the ride track, Brer Rabbit can be seen laughing at the situation. The next scene that riders enter is the Laughing Place scene. Here on the left, Brer Rabbit tells guests that his “laughing place is where (he will) be”. The scene then progresses to show that Brer Rabbit has once again tricked Brer Bear, whose head is stuck a bee hive, (apparently having thought that it was Brer Rabbit's laughing place). After riding underneath Brer Bear, the log goes down the rides second drop, which happens in complete darkness.
After the drop, the next scene riders see is Brer Bear with the bee hive on his nose. Once again it looks as if Brer Rabbit as outsmarted the antagonists, expect while he lies on the ground laughing. Brer Fox sneaks up behind him and catches him. The flumes then pass a scene showing Brer Rabbit tied up by Brer Fox before going up the rides final hill. As the flumes continue to ascend up the hill, two vultures taunt guests as they pass by ("Everybody's got a laughing place, maybe this is ones yours"). On the left of the track, Brer Rabbit (who is still tied up) pleads with Brer Fox to do anything to him, except for throwing him in the Briar Patch. Not realizing he’s been tricked, Brer Fox does just that, with guests plummeting 52.5 fet down into the Briar Patch with him. While going down the drop, a camera takes guests pictures which they can buy in the exit gift shop.
After reaching the bottom of the drop and going around a bend, riders end up in "Doo Dah Landing". Here, various Audio Animatronic animals are singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" in celebration of Brer Rabbit's return. On the left side, riders can see The Zip-a-Dee Lady, a large showboat which features some Audio Animatronics from the America Sings attraction in Disneyland.
In the final scenes of the attraction, guests see Brer Fox and Brer Bear fighting off an alligator attack; while the other animals sing "Brer Fox and Brer Bear are going to get it today". Finally, the flumes float past Brer Rabbit and Mr. Bluebird. Brer Rabbit claims that he has learned his lesson and will be staying in the Briar Patch saying "Home sweet home is the lesson today", before guests reach the unloading area.