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The Great Movie Ride

1 byte removed, 01:19, 16 June 2015
/* Attraction History */
Since its opening, the Great Movie Ride has only seen two major changes. The first change to the attraction came shortly after its opening. The Footlight Parade scene that originally featured a rotating cake and attached water pumps (as seen in the movie) was significantly toned down. The cake in the scene was constantly breaking down and the water pumps would fail, causing the ride path to flood. Disney Imagineers eventually decided to leave the cake stationary, and use lighting effects instead of water pumps. The other change came in 2008 when the Wicked Witch of the West Audio Animatronic was replaced with a newer model.
On November 25, Disney and Turner Classic Movies announced that TCM would become the new sponsor of the Great Movie Ride. As part of the agreement in 2015 the attraction will receive an update in both the pre-show and the film montage shown as the attractions finale. TCM host Robert Osborne will appear in the updated version of the attraction.
==Attraction Plot==