
The Great Movie Ride

46 bytes added, 01:32, 5 April 2016
/* Attraction Plot */
On The Great Movie Ride, there are two different experiences. One experience involves a 1920’s gangster hijacking the ride, while the other features an old west outlaw.
===Gangster Version===
The Great Movie Ride begins with guests boarding their ride vehicles and being introduced to their live tour guide. After asking if everybody is ready, the guide tells them guests that its show time, before telling C.B. (famous Hollywood director Cécile B. Demile) that everyone is ready to go. As C.B. yells “Action!” the ride vehicles begin to move and the song “Hooray for Hollywood” begins to play. As the tour begins the tour guide introduces his co-narrator for the attraction, Turner Classic Movie’s host Robert Osborne. As guests enter the attraction’s first scene Osborne says:
{{Quotation| "Thank you, and hooray for Hollywood indeed. What better way to start our journey? From the old west to the rooftops of London, and along the Yellow Brick Road, there really is no place like the movies".}}
{{Quotation| "Here's the birthplace of the gangster film, the seedy underbelly of Chicago from The Public Enemy starring James Cagney. Released in 1931 before strict censorship rules were enforced, The Public Enemy is a gritty, realistic, and violent look at the world of gangsters of the Depression Era."}}
At this point James Cagney appears on the right where he yells for somebody someone to “open up in their”. On the left of the cars two men are hiding behind some boxes, apparently expecting trouble. One of the men, named Beans , tells his partner Squid to get down because somebody is coming. As the vehicles pass the two thugs, the stoplight up the street turns red and the ride vehicles stop. As the tour guide waits at the light, a gangster emerges from the shadows and hijacks the ride vehicle. She then tells the tour guide:
{{Quotation|The heats on, see? And your fancy car’s my ticket outta here. So beat it!}}
After the gangster (whose name is reveled to be Mugsy) gets rid of the tour guide, a 1930’s car come screeching into the scene. The gangsters in the car begin to shoot at Beans and Squid, who are still hiding behind the boxes. During the gun fight, Mugsy makes her escape, leaving her accomplices behind. The gangster tells guests that “Runnin’ a red light’s against the law, and I never break the law”; Mugsy then shoots out the red light and the vehicles move onto the next scene.
The next scene that cars enter is an old western town. Here, guests can see Clint Eastwood on their left, and John Wayne (who warns guests about the dangers ahead) on their right. As guests pass by , Robert Osborne narrates:
{{Quotation|"Western films depict a legendary American wild frontier where cowboys and their loyal steeds maintain order in town against the untamable wilderness. John Wayne and Clint Eastwood are two of the iconic stars who epitomize this ideal of the stoic gunslinger."}}
Ignoring John Wayne’s warning, Mugsy decides that she is going to collect the guest’s valuables. Just as she starts the process however, the voice of the town’s sheriff can be heard telling the townsfolk that Mugsy is “the bank robber”. As gunfire begins from either side of the vehicle, Mugsy tells guests that she is getting out of there and guests proceed into the next room.
As guests enter the next scene, Robert Osborne Tells Themtells them:
{{Quotation| "Science-Fiction has been a staple of classic movies, from Georges Méliès ‘A Trip to the Moon’ to George Lucas ‘Star Wars’. In 1979 Director Ripley Scott and Sigourney Weaver made audiences believe that ‘in space no one can here you scream’. This is ‘Alien’."}}
 As warning sirens go off, guests are informed that the spaceship they are on will detonate in 10 minutes. At this point the alien (from Alien) can be seen overhead, as it begins to try an attack the ship. After the first attack, the alien attacks again from the top, and then from the side. Mugsy decides that she has finally had enough, and guests leave the Alien scene.
The next room that guests enter holds the Indiana Jones scene. As the movie’s theme song plays, Indiana and his assistant are shown carrying the Ark of the Covenant. Here, Robert Osborne says:
{{Quotation| "Steven Spielberg and George Lucas cemented there status as blockbuster boys with their first partnership. Here from that legendary collaboration is Harrison Ford as archeologist Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.".}}
 As the vehicle continues forward , guests pass by hieroglyphics on the walls. On the right, a set of stairs leads to a glowing red jewel. The ride announcer then informs guests that they are in an ancient burial chamber, where the priceless jewel is held. Mugsy cannot believe what she sees, and she goes to get the stone, telling guests to stay put. After she exits the vehicle, Robert Osborne warns her: 
{{Quotation|"I've seen enough movies to know that you really shouldn't even think about trying to steal that jewel."}}
Just as Mugsy is about to reach the jewel, the Temple Guardian puts his hand up telling , and tells her that if she disturbs the treasure of the God’s god’s she will die. Mugsy is not discouragedhowever, and she attempts to grab the jewel anyway. After touching the stone Mugsy goes up in smoke, and guests learn that the temple guardian was actually their tour guide. Leaving Mugsy’s skeleton behind, the tour guide returns to the ride vehicle. After the return of the tour guide Robert Osborne exclaims:
{{Quotation| "A twist ending! That just goes to show you that anything can happen in the movies. Now let’s get on with the show."}}
 Following the return of their tour guide, guests enter a dark area filled with skeletons. Here, guests are informed by the live their guide that horror has always been a part of movies. In fact, one of the first films created was film which featured a dancing skeleton. The film was made in 1897 by the Lumière brothers. Leaving the horror scene, the attraction then moves into a jungle. On their left, guests can see Tarzan (played by Johnny Weissmuller) swing by on a vine while Jane (played by Maureen O’Sullivan) and Cheetah the Chimp look on from the left. In this scene Robert Osborne educates guests, saying:
{{Quotation|"This is the jungle home of one of the most famous movie characters of them all- Tarzan. The movie's most popular Tarzan is undoubtedly Johnny Weissmuller who swung through 12 films as the King of the Jungle."}}
{{Quotation|"Here is Humphry Bogart in his most famous film role. In 1942 Bogey finally got to spread his wings and romance the beautiful Ingrid Bergman in ‘Casablanca’."}}
Leaving Casablanca, guests briefly enter the world of Disney's Fantasia. As Sorcerer Mickey causes waves of water to splash, guests can feel a soft breeze. In this scene Robert Osborne proclaims:
{{Quotation|"And now, one of the most famous movie stars in one of his most popular roles- Mickey Mouse as the SorccerSorcerer's Apprentice in Fantasia."}}
[[Image:Greatmovieoz.jpg|300px|thumb|Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion as they head towards Oz.]]
{{Quotation| "We've come over the rainbow and into one of the most beloved and most watched films in history- The Wizard of Oz."}}
 Following this introduction, the Wicked Witch of the West appears in a cloud of smoke and asks the tour guide if she killed her (the Witch’s) sister. When the guide replies no, the Witch warns that she is going "to get you, and your little dog too". Following the witch's departure, the tour guide wonders aloud how they will ever get home. On cue a munchkin appears exclaiming "Follow the yellow brick road". As the ride begins to move again, the tour guide tells guests to sing along. Moving forward, guests pass Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion as they walk towards Ozthe Emerald City
===Bandit Version===
The bandit version of The Great Movie Ride is the rarer of the two shows that guests can experience. On this version, the tram cars are not hijacked in the gangster scene. Instead, when traveling to the Western town, the tour guide notices that the bank is being robbed. Not wanting to "let this happen on (his) watch", the tour guide goes to stop the bandit. Unfortunately, she is quickly captured by a bandit and her partner. As the bandit begins taunting the tour guide, the sheriff tells him/her to "reach for the sky". After an ensuing gunfight the bank starts on fire, causing the bandit to jump in the tram in order to escape.
Like the gangster, the bandit is ultimately done in during the Indiana Jones scene, where the tour guide rejoins the ride.
===Closing Montage===
Following the Wizard of Oz scene in both versions of the attraction, the trams stop moving in front of a large movie screen. Here guests see film clips from various movies including:
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* ''Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope''
====Former Clips====
Clips formally shown during the montage included: