
Space Mountain

367 bytes added, 19:39, 25 August 2016
/* Fun Facts and Trivia */
==Fun Facts and Trivia ==
* Early in Space Mountain's development, George McGinnis proposed a loop that would be seen from the attraction's interior queue and highlighted by a strobe light every two seconds. Disney eventually rejected the idea as "too violent for a family attraction" <ref> Crump, Rolly, and Jeff Heimbuch. It's Kind of a Cute Story. N.p.: Bamboo Forest, 2012. Print. </ref>.
*The robot in the current postshow resembles the robot that formally resided in Horizons <ref> </ref>.
* Space Mountain is the oldest operating roller coaster in the state of Florida <ref name="orlandosentinel"> </ref>.
* Astronauts Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper and Jim Irwin took the first ride on Space Mountain <ref name="orlandosentinel" />.
* The list of "Active Earth Stations" in Space Mountain's queue contains references to the Space Mountain attractions found in Disney Parks around the world <ref name= "Yee"> Yee, Keven. Walt Disney World Hidden History Second Edition. N.p.: n.p., 2014. Print. </ref>