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/* 1975 EPCOT Plan */
To go along with the scientific and futuristic components of EPCOT, Disney also announced related plans for World Showcase and International Village <ref name= "showcase"> </ref>. World Showcase was to be an area that allowed guests to experience the different cultures of the world. Each country would have its own exhibits space, in a vein similar to a World’s Fair<ref name= "showcase"/>. Furthermore, the showcase would show how technology and communication could promote the betterment of all nations. The International Village on the other hand, would be a place where the international cast members that worked in World Showcase would live <ref> </ref> The World Showcase area was to be built separately from the Future World Theme Center; however the two locations would be connected by monorail <ref> </ref>. This new version of Walt’s original EPCOT idea was described in the 1975 annual report:
{{Quotation| EPCOT will be to respond to the needs of people by providing a Disney-designed and Disney-managed forum where creative men and women of science, industry, universities, government and the arts - from around the world - can develop, demonstrate and communicate prototype concepts and new technologies, which can help mankind to achieve better ways of living. <ref> </ref>}}
====Development and Construction====