
Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover

1 byte removed, 01:46, 10 October 2016
/* Changes Since 1975 */
===Changes Since 1975===
[[Image:Epcotmodel.jpg|400px|thumb|A model of Walt Disney's EPCOT can be seen on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover.]]
Although the track and basic premise of the WEDWay PeopleMover have remained pretty much the same, the narration and the attraction name have changed quite frequently throughout its history. The original Jack Wagner narration was used from 1975 until 1985. During this time the only major change to the narration came when America the Beautiful closed, and Magic Carpet Around the World replaced it. In 1985, the rides narrator was changed to, ORAC-1 "The Commuter Computer". The new narration stuck mostly to the same script; however it was lighter in tone. While ORAC-1 was the narrator, Delta Dreamflight replaced If You Had Wings. Due to this change, the windows that once looked into If You Had Winds, no longer lined up with the attractions scenes. Because of this, the first window was replaced with panels depicting the attractions barnstormer scene. The second window which looked into Delta Dreamflight's Parisian Excursion scene, however the angle ruined the forced perspective that the attraction used. The third window (the left one) would have had guests looking directly into a bright light, so it was covered with black fabric which blocked guests view. The only other major change to happen during ORAC-1's narration was the removal of the Magic Carpet Around the World in the Circle-Vision 360 Theater, and the addition of its replacement American Journeys <ref> </ref> .
* The addition of the Timekeeper narration in 1994. This narration was subsequently removed when the Timekeeper closed in 2006.
[[Image:Epcotmodel.jpg|400px|thumb|A model of Walt Disney's EPCOT can be seen on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover.]]
* A change in the narration so that the ride vehicle was referred to as the TTA Metroliner.