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Ellen's Energy Adventure

22 bytes added, 21:32, 16 September 2018
/* Radio Broadcast */
===Radio Broadcast===
After entering the theater, the attraction’s ride vehicles reassemble and guests hear heard a radio broadcast. The broadcast says said that the year is was 55 million B.C. and Willard Scott informs them informed guests that the forecast calls called for a decrease in the dinosaur population and an increase in mammals. The radio also mentions mentioned that cockroaches are “two hundred million years old today", but that an incoming comet might get rid of them. The radio announcer then calls called for a traffic report, from which guests learn learned that the mammals are continuing continued to boom.  The radio broadcast then changed to one million B.C. and guests learned that mammals were now dominating the Earth, while dinosaurs have gone extinct. Willard Scott then gave another weather broadcast in which he said that the Earth was getting colder and mammals needed to cover themselves in fur. Subsequently, The broadcast shifted to 900,000 B.C., where guests learned that woolly mammals, saber-tooth cats, and giant antlers have begun to appear. Willard then informs guests that the glaciers were receding, the planet was getting warmer, and a new kind of mammal is soon to evolve. The radio broadcast then ended and guests watched another film.
The radio broadcast then changes to one million B.C. and guests learn that mammals are now dominating the Earth, while Dinosaurs have gone extinct. Willard Scott then gives another weather broadcast in which says that the Earth is getting colder and mammals need to cover themselves in fur. Subsequently, The broadcast shifts to 900,000 B.C., where guests learn that woolly mammals, saber-tooth cats, and giant antlers have begun to appear. Willard then informs guests that the glaciers are receding, the planet is getting warmer, and a new kind of mammal is soon to evolve. The radio broadcast then ends and guests watch another film.
===Second Film===
The second film begins with Bill Nye back in the jungle. While he is looking for Ellen, she swings behind him on a vine and begins to protest the whole adventure. Bill informs her that they are at the dawn of humanity, and a very important discovery is about to take place. Guests then see a caveman discovering fire. Following this discovery a montage of man's progress using various forms of energy (including wind, steam, and gasoline) is shown. The montage ends with Bill and Ellen flying in a helicopter, with Ellen asserting that she is ready for Jeopardy!. Bill tells her that she is not quite ready, and he begins to explain potential future energy sources including solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy- which all have their own problems. Bill also explains fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil, saying that although these sources of energy will eventually run out, things like off shore drilling and satellites can help us find new sources. Bill and Ellen also discuss how nuclear and fusion energy could also be solutions to our energy problems. The two celebrities end up concluding that as long as we keep working on it, there should be lots of energy options in the future.