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Journey Into Imagination with Figment

1,535 bytes added, 23:10, 11 March 2012
/* Journey Into Imagination (1983-1999) */
And rainbows play a part, ha, ha<br>
A painter's brush, <br>
A work of art"}} As guests continued on, they could see various 3D animals and flowers. They were all colored white and appeared to made out of paper. The objects were lit with colorful lights, and serine music could be heard. Guests could see a large fish, lion, ostrich, unicorn and camel are rotating under a giant flower. In the art scene, guests could see Figment sitting at the base of a group of flowers wearing a beret and tie. He was painting the rainbow that he had mentioned earlier, while sitting next to a pot of gold The scene then shifted to the "Tales of Terror" segment. As the clouds which lined the top of the room turned grey and angry, the Dreamfinder could be seen playing a haunting tune on a volcano shaped, organ. The organ is also unique, in that it has a typewriter for a keyboard, instead of the standard musical keyboard. As the Dreamfinder played, lava and smoke would erupt from the top of the volcano. The words would then turn into words such as "Horror," "Danger," and "Thrill". In this room, the Dreamfinder sang: {{Quotation|One chilling word<br>Like shriek or killer<br>Can spark the mind<br>To start a thriller<br>Add some more sparks<br>Like dagger, blood, and gory<br>And then,<br>A mystery story!<br>}} In this room, Figment could once again be seen. He would be holding three blocks which spelled out the world "CAT". Behind him, a shadow of cat could be seen. Figment would then turn the "C" to a "B", to create the word "BAT". When he turned the block, the shadow would change to one of a bat.