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1,478 bytes added, 04:04, 10 April 2012
/* Fun Facts and Trivia */
'''Art of Disney'''- Located in Innoventions West, the Art of Disney store sells art from the Disney theme parks and movies.
==(The Innoventions Fountains) Fun Facts and Trivia== * Every 15 minutes, the Innoventions Fountain "performs" to classical music. The fountain was designed by Imagineer Mark Fuller. * In the wintertime, holiday music plays instead. * The fountain can shoot water up to 150 feet in the air! * The Fountains send 30,000 gallons of water up into the air, per minute! * On Epcot's opening day, representatives from 22 countries each poured a gallon of water from their homeland into the fountain. ===Music=== The music for the Innoventions Fountain is rotated every 15 minutes in no particular order. The seven musical selections that can be used are: “Standing in Motion” by Yanni, “Day One” by John Tesh, Selection from Disney's Iron Will, Selection from Disney's The Rocketeer, selectrion from propsed epcot show “Around the World with Mickey Mouse, Instrumental from the "Air Battle" sequence from Surprise in the Skies, a former daytime lagoon show at Epcot, Selection from Disney's “The Rescuers Down Under”. * "Standing in Motion" by Yanni * "Day One" by John Tesh * A selection from Disney's Iron Will (a live action movie) * A selection from Disney's The Rocketeer (a live action movie) * A selection from The Rescuers Down Under * A selection from "Around the World with Mickey Mouse" (a proposed, but never used Epcot show).\ * An instrumental from the "Air Battle Sequence" from the Suprise in the Skies show. (Surprise in the Skies was a lagoon show at Epcot).\