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The Hall of Presidents

1 byte removed, 22:44, 30 December 2014
/* Third Incarnation (2009-Present) */
{{Quotation|" The American dream is as old as our founding, but as timeless as our hopes. It is born every day in the heart of every child, who wakes up in a land of limitless possibilities, in a country where "We the people" means all the people. We may come from different places and believe in different things, but what makes us Americans is a shared spirit. A spirit of courage and determination, of honor and generosity. It is a spirit grounded in the generations that have gone before us, but open to the unimaginable discoveries and possibilities on the horizon that lies ahead. Let us enjoy it, cherish it, defend it, and pass it on to our children as the bright and beautiful blessing it is. This enduring American Dream"|}}
As the curtains close and guests exit the attraction, the Battle Hymn of the Republic plays.