
Kali River Rapids

1 byte added, 19:05, 22 May 2016
/* Attraction History */
==Attraction History==
The original plans for the Asia expansion in Animal Kingdom called for an Asian safari ride to counterbalance the [[Kilimanjaro Safaris]] in Africa <ref name= "parkscape"> </ref>. In order to differentiate the attraction however, Imagineers decided to make the ride a rafting safari. The attraction, which was called the Tiger Rapids Run (or Tiger River Run<ref name= "Jambo"/>), would have been similar to Walt Disney's original concept for the [[Jungle Cruise]]. Guests would have boarded large yellow rafts which would be held together in groups <ref name= "parkscape"/>. As guests floated through the Asian jungles, they would observe animals such as the Indian Rhinoceros, the Asian Elephant, the Asian Antelope and various other creatures <ref name= "Jambo"/> </ref>. Other scenes on the attraction were to include an Indian palace, a scene depicting vicious deforestation, and the finale which called for the rafts to separate from each other, before sending guests down thrilling white water rapids <ref name= "parkscape"/>.
During the planning of the Tiger Rapid Run, Imagineers decided that the screams of guests going to down the river rapids would frighten the animals showcased in the attraction <ref name= "Jambo"/>. Furthermore they also believed that guests would be moving too fast on the rapids to really observe the animals. Because of these problems, Imagineers decided to cut the live animal portion out of the attraction <ref name= "Jambo"/>. The Tiger Rapid Run was then renamed the Kali River Rapids (after the Hindu goddess Kali, who represents the destructive forces of nature <ref name= "Jack"/> <ref>) and the focus of the ride was shifted to showcase the dangers of deforestation <ref name= "Jack"/>. The Kali River Rapids opened with the rest of Asia on March 18, 1999 <ref> </ref>.