
Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run

2,132 bytes added, 17:04, 14 April 2020
/* Main Ride */
According to the attraction's backstory, Chewbacca has lent out the Millennium Falcon to Hondo Ohnaka in exhange for new parts. The trader is now using the vessel to smuggle goods across the galaxy. As business has been booming, Ohnaka hires guests to make the runs for him.
===Queue===Guest's begin their adventure on Smuggler's Run by entering Ohnaka Transport Solutions. While in line, guests pass through Hondo's maintenance shop. Here guests can see the various ships in repair, as well as some of the tools that Hondo and his men use on their smuggling runs. After making their way through the shop, guests reach a holding room, where detailed panels of the Millennium Falcon line the wall. In this command center, guests meet Hondo Ohnaka and his R5P8 droid, who give them a briefing of their mission.  After being briefed by Hondo, the Millennium Falcon is lowered down allowing guests to board the ship. At this point each guest is assigned a boarding card which decries the role they will be on the mission. The three roles guests can be assigned are: Pilot, Gunner, and Engineer. ===Main Ride===After entering the Millenium Falcon, guests stop in the "main hold". Here, they can see the ship's Dejarik board (hologram chess) which was first featured in A New Hope. After entering the Falcon's cockpit, riders fill the seat assigned to their role. The Pilot is tasked with steering the ship, the Gunner at shooting various targets and the Engineer with fixing the damage incurred on the mission. Although the attraction's experience's vary, on every ride guests travel at light-speed to the distant planet Corellia, where they are tasked with obtain Coaxium by robbing a train. At this point the pilot needs to get the Falcon behind the train, while the Engineer lowered the grappling hooks, and the Gunner fights off the TIE Fighters escorting the shipment. After collecting the cargo, the team must make their escape back to Batuu and collect their reward. While the attraction's beginning and end are always relatively the same, the adventure that guests have on the attraction is directly related to how well the perform their tasks. If for instance, the ship's pilot causes too much damage, riders may find themselves stranded in a meteor shower. After arriving back at Batuu, Hondo will either reward the team if they have done well, or threaten them with a bounty for having damaged the ship. 
==Fun Facts and Trivia==