
The Haunted Mansion

6 bytes removed, 01:09, 6 December 2015
/* The Corridor of Doors */
===The Corridor of Doors===
[[Image:coridor.jpg|thumb|350px|The matriarch of the family in the Corridor of Doors]]
After leaving the conservatory, guests find themselves in the mysterious Corridor of Doors. The wallpaper in the corridor is filled with demon eyes, which seem to be watching the Doom Buggies as they pass. Also on the walls are various ghoulish family portraits which show different skeletons, ghosts and corpses. A sign next to the portraits reads "Tomb Sweet Tomb". A portrait of note features The Ghost Host wearing a noose around his neck as his shadow lifts a hatchet.
As the Doom Buggies move down the hall, guests will notice they are surrounded by various doors. The doors seem to be holding something inside, and some of the knobs begin to turn. Knocking, moaning, pounding and even begging can also be heard, and even the doors themselves seem to be breathing. The last door guests see has two skeletal hands coming out from behind it, and a strange green light which illuminates the doorway.
{{Quotation|We find it delightfully unlivable here in this ghostly retreat, every room has wall-to-wall creeps, and hot and cold, running chills! Ssshhhh, listen..."}}
The final thing that guests see before leaving the Corridor of Doors is a glowing grandfather clock. The hour hand of the clock reads 13, and the minute hand is seen spinning out of control. The clock has bones for hands, and a demonic tail as its pendulum. The head of the clock looks like it has horns, and fangs that engulf the face. As guests pass, a shadow of a large claw swings over the face of the clock, giving the allusion that a large beast is swooping over the Doom Buggies.
To hear the Corridor of Doors narration click below: