
Electric Umbrella

307 bytes added, 18:25, 3 July 2016
On April 10, 1994 Stargate closed for refurbishment as part of CommuniCore's transition to Innoventions <ref name= "jack"> </ref>. Following renovations, the dining location reopened on June 24 as the Electric Umbrella <ref name= "jack"/>. Although the restaurant was updated at this time, it retained the same layout <ref> </ref>. Since reopening as the Electric Umbrella, the dining location has not seen any major changes.
==Fun Facts and Trivia==
* The Electric Umbrella was designed by Disney legend Rolly Crump <ref name= "Crump"> Crump, Rolly, and Jeff Heimbuch. It's Kind of a Cute Story. N.p.: Bamboo Forest, 2012. Print. </ref>.
* The restaurant's name came from an item sold in the nearby Centorium <ref name= "Crump"/>
==Current Menu==
Click below to see the Electric Umbrella's current menu: