Last modified on 28 February 2013, at 18:14

Swiss Family Treehouse

Revision as of 18:14, 28 February 2013 by Mmouse (Talk | contribs) (Fun Facts and Trivia)

Swiss Family Treehouse
The living room of the Swiss Family Treehouse.
Magic Kingdom
Land Adventureland
Attraction type Walkthrough
Opening date October 1st, 1971
Total height 60 ft (18.3 m)
Based on Swiss Family Robinson

The Swiss Family Treehouse is an attraction located in Adventureland

Attraction History

The Swiss Family Treehouse opened as the "Swiss Family Island Treehouse" on October 1, 1971 with the rest of the Magic Kingdom. Based on the 1960 film, Swiss Family Robinson, the treehouse is a walkthrough attraction that lets guests tour the massive shelter that the Robinson family built while stranded on an island. Although the tree looks authentic, it is actually made up of steel, concrete and stucco. Since it's opening, the only major change to the attraction came in 1989 when the world "Island" was removed from it's name.

Attraction Plot

The story of the Swiss Family Treehouse begins at the base of the tree and continues as guests climb up. The walkways that guests climb as they ascend into the treehouse are made from the Swallow's deck.

Tree Base

At the base of the tree, guests are first given the back story to the Swiss Family Treehouse. A plaque reads:

Swiss Family Robinson

composed of myself, my good wife and three sons, Fritz Ernst and little Francis..we're the sole survivors by the grace of God of the ill fated ship SWALLOW.

From the wreckage we built our home this tree for protection on this uncharted shore.


Also at the bottom of the tree is a pulley system which brings water up to the treehouse in bamboo cups. Once the water reaches the various rooms in the house, bamboo pipes carry the water into water barrels.

The Living Room

As guests begin to climb the treehouse the first room they encounter is the family living room, which is located on the right side of the walkway. In this room the family has an organ which plays the attractions theme song- The Swissapolka. Also of note in the living room is the SWALLOW's steering wheel, which was salvaged from the ship and brought up to the tree. Other items in the living room include:

  • Books
  • Dishes on a cabinet
  • Lanterns
  • Two tables
  • Chairs
  • China
  • Heater
  • Candlesticks
  • A dresser
  • A rug
  • A mirror
  • Flowers
The living room in the Swiss Family Treehouse.

Parents’ Room

As guests continue to ascend up the tree the next room they encounter is the parents’ bedroom, which is located on the right side of the walkway. This is the bedroom for Franz and his wife. The most prominent pieces of furniture in the room are the large bed, and the colorful curtains. If guests look closely they can also find Brandy that has been hidden in the rafters. Other items of note in the room include:

  • A dresser
  • Mirrors
  • A nightstand
  • Flowers
  • Books
  • A picture frame
  • Candlesticks
  • Jars

Jungle Lookout

Across from the parents’ bedroom, guests can will encounter the Jungle Lookout. A plaque next to the lookout says:

"In this compound we often pause to contemplate our small world -

Here adventure beckons with every view and every sound,

the jungle and it's river call out their mystery

& invite us to new discovery."

From the Jungle Lookout guests can see out into Tomorrowland, and even see Cinderella Castle in the distance.

Boy's Room

When guests reach the highest point in the treehouse they find Fritz, Ernst and Francis’ room on their left. A plaque outside of the room states:


Their Room

completed on the first anniversary of our deliverance July 17, 1805.

Guests should notice that the room is quite messy, with clothes tossed all around. Also of note is the fact that the boys have hammock beds. Other items in the room include:

  • Lamps
  • A small dresser
  • Guns

The Library

As guests begin to descend down the treehouse, the next room they encounter is the study. The study is located on the right hand side of the walkway. A plaque above the library states,


These good books - the recording of man's ideas and achievements - were salvaged from our ship. We shall never hunger for food for the mind nor the soul.

Also featured in the study are a desk and a table. Located on the furniture are two important books. The first is the Bible, which is located on the desk. The second is an encyclopedia which is on the table. Both of these books were salvaged from the sunken ship. Other items in the study include:

  • A coffee cup
  • A lamp
  • A candle
The kitchen in the Swiss Family Treehouse.

The Kitchen

When guests reach the bottom of the treehouse, they see the families’ kitchen. A plaque outside the kitchen reads:

Our Kitchen

and dining room complete with running water volcanic stone hearth & oven utensils of our own making and salvaged from the wrecked “SWALLOW” plus natures bounty & my good wife's cooking amply fulfill our wants.

The kitchen has an oven stove, as mentioned on the plaque, but it also has many large tables made of wood. There are many other kitchen items to be found, including:

  • A cupboard
  • Wood counters
  • Food
  • A lamp
  • Food utensils
  • Fruit bowls
  • Seven cups
  • Milk
  • Jars
  • A bucket

Fun Facts and Trivia

  • This Swiss Family Robinson was one of three operating attractions in Adventureland on opening day.
  • Just outside of the Treehouse, guests can find other items salvaged from the SWALLOW.
  • The Swiss Family Treehouse has 116 steps, 9 limbs, 1,400 branches and 300,000 polyethylene leaves.
  • The only organic part of the tree is the Spanish Moss, which covers the leaves and branches.
  • The Swiss Family Treehouse was constructed to look like a Banyan Tree, which are local to Florida.
  • The official Latin name given by Disney to the tree is Disneyodendron eximus.
