Last modified on 29 December 2011, at 21:06

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room

Revision as of 21:06, 29 December 2011 by Mmouse (Talk | contribs) (Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room)

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room is an attraction located in Adventureland

Attraction History

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room is musical revue with a Polynesian theme and is set in the mystical “Enchanted Tiki Room.” The attraction originally opened with the Magic Kingdom in 1971 and is located in Adventureland within the Sunshine Pavillion. Originally named the Tropical Serenade, the Walt Disney World version of the show was a carbon copy of the Disneyland attraction: The Enchanted Tiki Room. The show is hosed by four macaws – Jose, Fritz, Pierre and Michael who lead over 200 birds, flowers and Tikis in musical numbers.

The Tropical Serenade operated from 1971 until 1997 when the attraction was re-themed and given the name The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management). The new show featured Zazu from Disney's The Lion King and Iago from Disney's Aladdin. The change in the attraction was done to give the show a more modern feel. Besides just the addition of new characters, new songs were added to make the show more “hip”.

In 2011 a small fire broke out in the Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management). It was rumored that one of the Iago Audio Anamatronics was damaged. Although these rumors were never substantiated the attraction was closed on January 11, 2011. The show was then changed back to the original (albeit with some minor changes) and was renamed Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room.

The Tropical Serenade

The Tropical Serenade operated from 1971 until 1997 in the Sunshine Pavilion.

Tropical Serenade Plot

The Tropical Serenade really began in the pre-show. Outside of the Enchanted Tiki Room was Clyde and Claude who told the audience how they found the Enchanted Tiki Room. They would then precede to tell guests about the show and try to get them to enter the Tiki Room.

Once inside, guests would find that Tiki Room birds were asleep! A cast member would have to wake up Jose (either by hitting him with a stick, or having the audience wake him up) who would then wake his co-hosts Pierre, Fritz and Michael. One the four hosts were up it was time to “wake up the glee club”. The birds would then sing the attractions official song “The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room”. The song welcomed guests to the Tiki Room and gave them a picture of what was in store. According to the song in the Tiki Room the “Birds sing words, and the flowers croon”. Various birds from around the room were also featured in “the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room” including macaws, toucans and the bird of paradise.

After the opening number was over, the birds would begin to whistle "Barcarolle” from the opera “The Tales of Hoffman” by Jacques Offenbach. After the “Barcarolle” number the four hosts would “introduce the girls” who were perched on the Enchanted Fountain. The girls would lead the Tiki Room in the song, “Lets All Sing Like the Birdies Sing”. The song would show the different vocal styles of the host birds. Jose croons like Bing Crosby, Michael sings like Louis Armstrong and Pierre sings like Maurice Chavieller. During the song the Tiki Room birds would invite guests whistle along before the song ended.

After “Lets All Sing Like the Birdies Sing” Jose introduced the orchids who along with the flowers on the wall sang “The Hawaiian War Chant”. In the middle of the song the flowers were interrupted by the Tiki Statues who began to chant faster and faster before making it thunderstorm. Michael informs the room that the Gods have been angered by all the celebrating, and the birds decide it's time for the show to end (but not before a recap song!) on the way out, the Tiki Room birds sing a version of Heigh-Ho to exiting guests.

Tropical Serenade Cast

Thurl Ravenscroft-Fritz

Wally Boag-Jose

Fulton Burley-Michael


Puruis Pullen (aka Dr. Horatio D. Birdbath)- Background birds

Tropical Serenade Songs

The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room- Written by Robert and Richard Sherman and performed by the Tiki Room birds.

Lets All Sing Like the Birdies Sing- Written by Robert Hargreaves, Stanley J. Damerell and Tolchard Evans. Performed by the Birdmobile Chorous (the girls) Jose, Peirre, Fritz and Michael.

"Barcarolle"-Composed by Jacques Offenbach and whistled by the Tiki Room birds.

Hawaiian War Chant-Composed by Prince Leleiohoku and performed by the orchids and the Tiki Statues.

Finale (Farewell and Aloha)-Composed by unknown, performed by the Tiki Room Birds, orchids and Tiki Statues

Heigh Ho- Composed by Frank Churchill and Larry Morey (with special lyrics for the Tiki Room). Performed by the Tiki Birds.

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room

In January 2011 after a small fire broke out in the attic, the Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) closed. Perhaps in conjunction with the Magic Kingdoms 40th anniversary, When the attraction reopened, it was renamed Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room. Although the name is different the show is very similar to the tropical serenade. The differences between the two shows are:

  • The third verse from the song "The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room" has been cut.The verse starts with "the show is delightful we hope you agree"
  • The Barcarolle number is completely cut.
  • The Enchanted Fountain has been removed.
  • The audience sing (and whistle) along portion of Lets All Sing Like the Birdies sing has been removed.
