

12 bytes added, 19:53, 30 May 2016
/* Main Ride */
==Main Ride==
After getting into their Time Rover, guests are instructed to "get in, grab the Iguanodon, and get out, before the asteroid hits.” At this point, the Time Rovers begin moving and guests enter the time tunnel. Here, lights begin to flash all around before suddenly going out, revealing a field of stars. As the star field fades away, guests find themselves in prehistoric jungle. The first dinosaur they encounter is Styracosaus, who is pushing a tree very close to the Time Rover. As the vehicles continue forward, the computer warns guests that the meteor shower is within range, although Dr. Seeker tells guests not to worry. Continuing on, guests come across an Alioramus, who is digging for its prey. The large dinosaur then pulls a large lizard out of the ground, before eating it. Just past the Alioramus, guests see a mother Hadrosaur (specifically a Parasaurolophus) who is watching over her young, as a raptor stands on a nearby ledge looking for prey.