
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!

11 bytes added, 04:47, 4 July 2012
/* Plot */
Tragically, Anislav Varbanov died on August 17, 2009 due to an injury from a rehearsal of the show. Varbanov – a relatively new member of the show – landed awkwardly on his neck doing a relatively routine tumble roll, and was rushed to Florida Hospital Celebration Health, where he was pronounced dead. All shows the next day were canceled in Varbanov's memory. OSHA cleared Disney of any safety violations relating to the accident.
==Attraction Plot==
===Start of the Show===
The show begins with the casting director, who in a real shoot would cast the actors for the film, inviting three volunteers, who must be at least 18 years old, to come on stage. The casting director asks them to do their first scene, as the stand on a trap door and scream as if the door had just opened. After inviting the first three volunteers to go to wardrobe, she invited three more. The three introduce themselves and say where they're from, and asks them to give three different laughs. The first gives a hearty laugh, the second – a woman – gives a “sweet little giggle,” and the third gives an “evil, menacing, sinister laugh.” The crowd applauds for them, and they go to wardrobe. The director asks for three more volunteers, and one of the extras chosen is really an actor, at one time played by Chris Lanam. Because we know he has been the actor, we will use his name. Each of these three gets a pose: Chris struggles to stand on one leg, another extra stands like a tough guy and the third stands like a boulder is about to fall on them. The director asks the crowd if the extras should have to stand like that for awhile, like real extras sometimes do, but luckily she sends them to wardrobe anyway. That's all the extras to be called up, but luckily the rest of the audience is included in the fun. Before the first scene with Indiana Jones, the middle-left of the audience practices their ahhs and the middle-right practices their oohs. Then it's time for the first scene!