
It's Tough to be a Bug!

10 bytes removed, 05:56, 21 May 2014
/* Main Show */
===Main Show===
It's Tough to be a Bug! opens with Flick the ant being announced as the host of the show. As Flick begins by pointing out to the guests that despite the enourmous amount of bugs in the world, humans don't seem to not be able to see bugs. In order to help them, he tells everyone to put their Bug Eyes (3D glasses) on, so that they can see the bug world. After guests put their glasses on, a group of butterflies appear on screen forming a curtain, before flying apart to reveal Flick.
As Flick begins to talk about the various survival techniques that bugs have a Chilean Tarantula named Chilli sneaks up behind him. The tarantula is friendly however, eventually apologizing for starling the ant. After saying it's okay, Flick goes on to explain to guests that Chilean Tarantula's shoot poison quills at their enemies, "with deadly accuracy". To show off his skills Chilli uses a wooden slingshot to shoot acorns, which he then breaks apart with his quills. The Beetles, who are holding the acorns, eventually cause Chilli to miss, and shoot the quills into the audience.
A bug can be heard backstage telling Flick that the next act, "refuses to come out of his cocoon". Upon hearing this, Flick decides to cue the show’s finale, before quipping "Did I forget to mention reptiles". A group of bugs then begin signing the show's theme song "It's Tough to be a Bug". In the song, bees, dung beetles and dragonflies sing about all of the good things that they do, before they all exit the screen chasing after a cupcake. Flick then concludes the show by saying, "And now that your all honorary bugs, remember, magnifying glass is for looking at little things, not for burning little things," as the butterflies curtain returns.
As guests exit the theater, the announcer tells guests to remain seated so that beetles, maggots and cockroaches can leave the show safely.  
'''Flick'''- Dan Foley