
The Country Bear Jamboree

51 bytes added, 06:45, 8 January 2012
/* Cast */
'''The Sun Bonnet Trio'''- The Sun Bonnet Trio is made up of three identical sisters. All three sisters have brown fur wear blue bonnets and dresses. The sisters appear on center stage and together they sing "All The Guys That Turn Me On Turn Me Down" and the show's finale "Ole Slew-Foot". The Sun Bonnet Trio consists of:
* '''Bunny'''- Bunny stands in the center of her sisters and is voiced by Jackie Ward.
* '''Bubbles'''- Bubbles stands to the audience's left between Gomer and Bunny, and is voiced by Loulie Jean Norman.
* '''Beulah'''- Beulah stands to the audience's right and is voiced by Peggy Clark.
'''Gomer'''- Gomer is a tall brown bear who wears a collar and a blue tie. Gomer is the only country bear in the show (with the exception of Baby Oscar) who does not sing. Instead Gomer plays his piano which has never sings but instead plays his piano, which has a honeycomb on top of it. Gomer appears on center stage and performs on the songs, "Bear Band Saranade", "Tears Will Be The Chaser For My Wine", "All The Guys That Turn Me On Turn Me Down" and the shows finale, "Ole Slew-Foot"
'''The Five Bear Rugs'''- The Five Bear Rugs are the Country Bear Jamboree's main band. They appear on center stage and perform, "Bear Band Saranade", "Pretty Little Devilish Mary" and "Ole Slew-Foot". The band consists of:
* '''Zeke'''- Five Bear Rugs lead singer, Zeke plays a banjo and taps on the dishpan with "a real ol' country beat". He is a grey bear with glasses who wears a tan top hat. He was voiced by Dallas McKennon from October 1971 until July 1975, when Randy Sparks rerecorded his vocals. He is located in the center of the band.
* '''Zeb'''- Zeb is brown bear with a light brown stomach who plays the fiddle. Zeb wears a miner's hat and a bandanna around his neck. He is voiced by a member of the Stoneman family. Zeb sits on Zeke's left.
* '''Ted'''- Ted is a tall, skinny bear who blows on the cornjug and plays the washboard. His fur is brown, and he wears a vest with a brown hat. He is located behind Zeb.
* '''Fred'''- The biggest of the five bears, Fred plays mouthharp. He is a brown bear who wears blue jeans held up with suspenders as well as a striped red and white tie. Fred is located behind Zeke and next to Ted.
* '''Tennessee'''- Tennessee plays the One String Thang, which sounds like a guitar but only has one string. He is brown and wears a red bandanna around his neck.
* '''Baby Oscar'''- Unlike the other bears in the Five Bear Rugs, Baby Oscar plays no insturmant. He does carry a teddy bear which he squeaks from time to time. He is brown, and on the 1971 Country Bear Jamboree Album, it is mentioned that he is Zeb's son.