
Kali River Rapids

13 bytes added, 19:27, 22 May 2016
/* Main Ride */
===Main Ride===
After making their way through the queue, guests load into large 12 twelve-seat rafts. As each raft leaves the dock, it begins to go up a incline. On either side of the river, stone animal guardians gaze upon guests as they ascend. When guests the rafts reach the area on top of the incline (known as Tiger Bay) geysers begin to erupt all around them before the river takes a 90 degree turn and winds into a forest. While the forest at first seems peaceful, guests soon find themselves passing by an illegal logging operation. Here, guests both hear and smell the forest burning around them, as piles of wood burn on the banks. Across the river, guests also see one of the logging trucks sliding down the bank and into the river.
After passing by the loggers, guests begin to plummet down a 30 foot waterfall. After surviving the fall, guests continue their tour through the tranquil forest. Guests the rafts then pass through a small cave, where the statues of three gods fill the river with water from their pots. As guests pass by the gods, they are splashed with the water coming from the jugs. Due to the Chakrandi's circular nature, guests then find themselves back at the Tiger Temple. Before reaching the dock, guests the rafts pass beneath a bridge, where two stone elephants shoot water onto the raft. The elephants are actually controlled by guests pushing a button on the bridge above. After passing by a small spirit house (which was built to comfort tormented spirits so that they will leave the residence of nearby homes alone) guests come back to the loading dock.
==Fun Facts and Trivia==