
Frontierland Shootin' Arcade

13 bytes added, 19:58, 14 January 2012
==History and Attraction Plot==
The Frontierland Shootin' Arcade opened with the park on October 1, 1971. The attraction recreates the 1950 shootout in Tombstone Arizona, in the form of a arcade shooting gallery. In the gallery, guests use authentic .54 caliber Hawkins buffalo rifles. There are three different distances that guests can shoot at. The first, the foreground of the gallery , is themed to look like a graveyard. In the graveyard targets that guests can shoot include:
*Vultures sitting in a large tree.
*A fence.
The middle section of the gallery features the town of Tombstone including the bank, hotel and jail with targets on them. To the right of the town, guests can shoot a ore car coming out of a large mine. When guests hit the various targets, the targets animate in some way. The background of the gallery is a mountain landscape with no targets. As guests shoot at the targets, a fog will roll over the graveyard, changing the weather from clear and calm , to dark and stormy. After the fog roles in, guests will hear coyotes howl, bridges creek and thunder in the background.
In 1982, the lead balls that guests shot out of the rifles, were replaced with infra-red technology. The reason for the change was two fold. Besides saftery concerns cost was also a factor. Cast Members would have to re-paint the targets almost on a nightly basis due to the lead balls. Besides the change in ammunition the Frontierland Shootin' Arcade has remained the same since opening day.