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The Maelstrom

1,673 bytes added, 15:45, 21 May 2012
/* Attraction Plot */
==Attraction Plot==
The Maelstrom begins with guests traveling to a Norwegian folklore. As they enter, the attraction's narrator says:
{{Quotation|"You are not he first to pass this way, nor shall you be the last. Those who seek the spirit of Norway face peril and adventure, but more often find beauty and charm. We have always lived with the sea, so look first to the spirit of the seafarer.}}
The first scene that guests enter shows a sea side village. Here, guests can see Vikings as they prepare to head off to sea. The narrator then tells guests that when some people think of the spirit of Norway, they thing of mythology and trolls. Guests then pass by a three headed troll who puts a curse on the boats, sending them "Back, back, over the falls!". After being cursed, the boat that guests are riding in begins to move in reverse. After going down a very small drop, guests pass a scene depicting the arctic region of Norway. Here, guests can see two polar bears, with one standing on it's hind legs.
At this point in the attraction, the boats begin to move towards the pavilion's large, exterior waterfall. Just as guests are about to fall backwards down the falls, the boat's direction changes, and the boats once again move forward. Instead of going backwards down the large waterfall, guests go forwards down a much smaller drop. At the bottom of the drop, the boats pass by an oil rig, before entering modern Norwegian town. Here, the rides narrator makes one final comment:
{{Quotation| Norway's spirit has always been, will always be adventure.}}
After unloading from their ride vehicles, guests can either view the Spirit of Norway film, or exit the building altogether.
==Fun Facts and Trivia==