

54 bytes removed, 23:29, 6 February 2013
/* Innoventions East */
===Innoventions East===
'''Habit Heroes'''- This exhibit is an interactive show sponsored by Florida Blue Cross and Blue Shield. In this exhibit, guests learn healthy eating habits. Habit Heroes is currently closed for refurbishment.
'''Environmentality Corner'''- In this exhibit guests learn how they can protect the environment, and even how to make paper. Here, guests can also decorate their sample to take home.
[[Image:sumofallthrills.jpg|thumb|The Sum of All Thrills is the first "ride" to be housed in Innoventions.]]
'''Storm Struck- A Tale of Two Homes'''- In this exhibit, guests can feel what it's like to be in the middle of a hurricane. Guests can also take an interactive quiz, to learn how to prepare for a hurricane. Storm Struck is sponsored by FLASH (Federal Alliance for Safe Homes).