
Journey Into Imagination

1 byte removed, 23:03, 1 May 2017
/* Attraction Plot */
While he talked about science, projections of the equation E=MC², an atom and the elemental symbol CO2 appeared. While Figment was imagining science, Dreamfinder had to cut him off. On the flying machine, the world "full" lit up and Dreamfinder had to inform Figment that the bag could not hold any more ideas. He then told both Figment and the guests that, "We must store these ideas with the others in the Dreamport. ". When Figment asked how far away the Dreamport was, Dreamfinder told him that it was never far away, when they used their imagination.
Guests would then travel with Dreamfinder and Figment to the Dreamport. Here, they would see various objects, ideas, and thoughts covered with gears and cogs. The Dreamport was the place where Dreamfinder and Figment stored all of their ideas. At this point, guests could see Dreamfinder's bag, hooked up to a machine known as the Imaginometer. The Imaginometer, sorted through the ideas, grouping them together. The groups that the Imaginometer sorted included: dreams, sights, words, sounds, colors and ideas. The machine also had a meter which read how full the Imaginometer was.To the left of the machine, was gold container labeled, "Deep Thoughts". Guests could see inside the container, through a window. Inside the Dreamport guests would also see:[[Image:imaginometer.jpg|400px|thumb|The Imaginometer which could be found in the middle of the Dreamport.]]
* A giant coffee pit pouring coffee right above guests heads
* A chest labeled "Fog Bank"
After exiting the Dreamport, guests would enter the art scene. Here, spouts poured "Sun Rays," "Molten Lava," and "Gem Stones", which Dreamfinder then used to paint with. He then used his paintbrush (which changed colors depending on what he was painting) to create a river, flowers and animals. In this scene, Dreamfinder would sing:
[[Image:imaginometer.jpg|400px|thumb|The Imaginometer which could be found in the middle of the Dreamport.]]
{{Quotation|"Mix red and gold<br>