
The Hall of Presidents

178 bytes added, 00:07, 15 January 2023
/* Fourth Version (2017-Present) */
Following the end of the Civil War, slavery was ended and the country exploded west. As the nation approached the 20th century, immigrants poured into the United States and the economy tripled. As cities emerged and the county became a superpower, a young Theodore Roosevelt moved west to escape his personal troubles. As images of the industrial revolution and the conflict between labor and management appear on screen, the narrator notes that change was needed. With this unrest as background, Theodore Roosevelt became President, crusading for workers’ rights and promising a "square deal for every man and every woman in the United States". At this time, Roosevelt and his commitment to the natural parks is also briefly shown.
[[Image:TrumpHall.jpg|400px|thumb|The Audio Animatronic of Donald President Trump delivering his speech.| alt= Hall of Presidents Donald Trump]]
Moving forward to the 1930s, images of the stock market crash of 1928 and the beginning of the Great Depression appear on screen. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt is elected President. After showing Roosevelt's fireside chats, the narrator notes that even with the Depression going on, Roosevelt must guide the country through WWII. As images and video of the American mobilization effort play on screen Roosevelt declares:
{{Quotation|"We must be the great arsenal of democracy. This is an emergency as serious as war itself."}}
* George W. Bush's speech at Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks (2001).
[[Image:TrumpHall.jpg|400px|thumb|The Audio Animatronic of President Biden delivering his speech in the current version of the attraction.| alt= Hall of Presidents Joe Biden]]
* Barack Obama's speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Marches (2011).