
Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

300 bytes added, 02:32, 16 February 2012
[[Image:Carouselfirst.jpg|thumb|John and his dog, right around the turn of the century]]
As John highlights the new pieces of technology, a spotlight shines on them and they begin to work. He then comments that problems such as chopping wood, sour milk, and having to get water from a well are things of the past. After he is done showing off the new technology he calls to his wife, Sarah who is ironing in the room to his right with their daughter. The two discuss how Thomas Edison is working on an idea for "snap on electric lights", which the Sarah says will mean no more kerosene and no more no more gas. She also shows guests her new "wash-day marvel", and comments that now she can do the laundry in five hours instead of two days! As John is explaining that Sarah now has time for other things, he is cut of by her response of "Such as canning and cleaning the oven?". Sarah then excuses herself, commenting that she needs to get the laundry off the line before it starts raining cats and dogs (which makes Rover bark).
The grandfather then remarks that he cannot believe the new gadgets that people have today. Trish, cutting him off, begs him not to tell another story about the time before there were even car phones. The grandfather, still undeterred tells her that for a while he didn't even have a house phone, not to mention the technology of today. He gives examples of modern technology including laser discs and high definition televisions, before commenting on how everything is automated today. His last example is about automated flushing (which can be heard in the back ground) this leads Uncle Orville who is off stage, to repeat his earlier line, "No privacy at all around here".
[[Image:nowfinale.jpg|thumb|The final scene in the current attraction, Christmas at the turn of the 21st century.]]
The scene then shifts back to the grandmother who has no beat her video game. She finishes with a score of 975, which John once again repeats. After hearing this number, the oven overheats and begins to smoke. The family all laughs at the fact that another Christmas turkey has been ruined. John jokes that maybe in the new century ovens will learn to read minds. Jim says that someday everything will be automated that John will never have to cook again. At the prospect of this, Rover barks leading the family to laugh and sing It's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow one final time.
The Christmas 1980s scene started with the family sing the show's theme song (at the time) "The Best Time of Your Life". The family was positioned in the same places that they are in the current show. Trish (holding a gutair) and her grandfather sat around the Christmas tree, while Jim and his grandmother sat next to a large TV. John and Sarah were both in the kitchen area, with John cooking and Sarah sitting next a computer. As always, the family's dog was sitting on the kitchen floor. After they had finished, John commented on how beautiful the sunset looked and how happy it made him. Sarah then said that she was just happy that everybody could be together for New Years Eve.
[[Image:finale80s.jpg|thumb|The finale scene the 1980s version of the Carousel of Progress.]]
The grandmother agreed, and said that it's a great time to be alive. Jim reminded her, that she and her husband did all kinds of things during the year including traveling the world, taking up tennis, and organizing their high school reunion. The grandmother replied that they all have a lot to be thankful for, something that her husband agreed with. John, who was cooking the kitchen told everybody that he's making his famous "Omelette supurb avec jambone". Jim and Trish then pointed out that Omelette supurb aveck jambone just meant ham and eggs. After John responded by asking whatever happened to respecting your elders, his father replied that he always wondered the same thing when [John] was young. Sarah then told John that she was going to put his recipe "on memory". Which prompted Trish to ask Sarah to put the New Years celebration from Europe on the television. The television in the middle of the room shows New Years celebrations from London and Paris, before finally stopping on Walt Disney World. The television then showed fireworks as the family watched in awe.