
Journey Into Imagination with Figment

65 bytes added, 03:29, 11 March 2012
/* Ride Plot */
Guests would then travel with the Dreamfinder and Figment to the Dreamport. Here, they would see various objects, ideas, and thoughts covered with gears and cogs. The Dreamport was the place where the Dreamfinder and Figment stored all of their ideas. At this point, guests could see the Dreamfinder's bag, hooked up to a machine known as the Imaginometer. The Imaginometer, sorted through the ideas, grouping them together. The groups that the Imaginometer sorted included: dreams, sights, words, sounds, colors and ideas. The machine also had a meter which read how full the Imaginometer was.
To the left of the machine, was gold container labled, "Deep Thoughts". Guests could see inside the container, through a window. Inside