Journey Into Imagination with Figment

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Journey Into Imagination With Figment is an attraction located in the Imagination! pavilion, in Epcot.

Attraction History

The basic idea for the Journey Into Imagination attraction came from Disney Imagineer, Tony Baxter. The idea for the character figment came to him while watching an episode of the television series Magnum P.I. In the episode Magnum had hidden a goat in Higgins' yard, and the goat had predictably tore the garden up. When Higgins suggested that a goat was ruining his yard. Magnum replied that it was all just a figment of his imagination, to which Higgins countered "Figments don't eat grass!". This line, gave Tony Baxter the idea to create a character "that everyone knows about and has never been visualized.

Figment was first sketched by Disney artist Steve Kirk who turned in a rough drawing of the characters. Imagineer X Atencio then slightly altered the drawing to, "make the character lovable, in a way that kids could relate to". The Dreamfinder, Figments creator was designed after Imagineer Joe Rhode, who would later be lead designer of Disney's Animal Kingdom. The Dreamfinder's voice was performed by actors Chuck McCann and Ron Schneider. Finding a voice for Figment proved to be much more difficult however. Disney had men, women, boys and girls all try out for the role, but no voice was deemed suitable. Eventually, they found Figment's voice in veteran voice actor Billy Barty, who was perfect for the role.

It took Disney nearly six months to come up with an idea for the Journey Into Imagination attraction. To help them with their understanding of imagination, Disney brought in various scientist and artists. Eventually they came to the conclusion that while every bodies imagination was different, how people get their imagination is the same. Tony Baxter said:

"The story needed to describe the complex process in an engaging, interactive way without seeming like a lecture. A persona was needed to give the process personality, but having a human character seemed too selective. A friendly imaginary being that could delight in the wonders of imagination would be more inclusive."

Journey Into Imagination With Figment finally opened as simply Journey Into Imagination on March 5, 1983. Although the Kodak sponsored pavilion that housed the attraction had been open since Epcot's opening day, the pavilion remained nameless until Journey Into Imagination gave it it's namesake. The original attraction was a dark ride, which helped guests explore their imagination. The ride was hosted by the popular characters Dreamfinder and Figment. 71 different special effects were created for the original Journey Into Imagination, more then tall of the effects created for the opening of the Magic Kingdom. The ride remained essentially the same from 1983 until 1998. In 1998 Kodak renewed it's sponsorship, and decided to redo the attraction, in an attempt to make it cheaper to operate. The ride reopened in 1999 as Journey Into Your Imagination, a much smaller and less expensive ride. Popular characters, the Dreamfinder and Figment were removed from the attraction, along with many of the special effects. The dark ride was now hosed by Dr. Nigel Channing, head of the Imagination Institute. Nigel now gave guests a tour of the Imagination Institute, which was referenced in the other Imagination! (the new name of the pavilion) attraction, Honey, I Shrunk the Audience. Many guests were unhappy with the new attraction, and fans began to call for a boycott of both the attraction, and it's sponsor, Kodak. The boycott proved successful, as guests complaints (along with pressure from Michael Eisner and Kodak) led to yet another refurbishment in 2001.

When the attraction re-opened later in the year, it was renamed Journey Into Imagination With Figment. The ride still took guests on a tour of the Imagination Institute, but it now focused on the five senses, and how imagination can effect them. Figment, returned to the attraction, now interrupting the doctor's tour. In all three versions of the attraction, guests were invited to visit the ImageWorks (also known as the Kodak: What If? Labs) at the end of the attraction, to further explore their imagination.

Ride Plot

All three versions of Journey Into Imagination have been dark rides which focused on human imagination.

Journey Into Imagination (1983-1999)

After making their way through the queue, guests would board their ride vehicles. The vehicles were trains consisting of four cars. As the vehicles began to move, guests could hear a voice singing the attractions theme song, "One Little Spark". In the clouds to their left, the shadow of a flying contraption could be seen sucking up various objects. As the song continued, the clouds would part relieving the Dreamfinder as the pilot of the flying contraption. The Dreamfinder and guests would then fly together at the same speed as he introduced himself.

Oh, hello there. So glad you could come along. I am the Dreamfinder. Ah, ha, ha. Musical notes! What delightful melodies those will make. I love these flights of fancy. Searching the universe for sounds, colors, ideas, anything that sparks the imagination.

As the Dreamfinder continued to sing, "One Little Spark" the objects that he talked about would be projected in the background. The machine that he was flying would also suck up various objects, which would end up in his bag. The Dreamfinder would then create a dragon like creature called Figment. He explained how he was creating Figment in song.

Two tiny wings

Eyes big and yellow
Horns of a steer
But a lovable fellow!
From head to tail
He's royal purple pigment
And there, Voila!
You've got a Figment
A figment of imagination!

Figment would then appear alongside the Dreamfinder, telling him that (Figment) was perfect. The Dreamfinder would respond that Figment still needed a "dash of childish delight". The Dreamfinder would then show Figment the "guests" that had joined them. Together they discussed how everybody could use their imagination. As the Dreamfinder and Figment began to sing about various things, the objects of their imagination would appear. They would then begin to imagine all kinds of things. The Dreamfinder imagined a stormy night, and lightning combined with ghostly shivers and a full moon.He then told Figment they could "turn them into a tale of fright!" (as laughter could be heard.

Figment then imagined a rainbow, that he could color with. He then imagined:

"Numbers, letters, papers for writing. Costumes, make-up, stages for lighting. Teardrops, laughter..."

The Dreamfinder would then ask Figment about science, to which he would respond:

"Science! We'll need electron beams and crystal prisms, gyroscopes and magnetisms, holograms in three dimensions"

While he talked about science, projections of the equation E=MC², an atom and the elemental symbol CO2 appeared. While Figment was imagining science, the Dreamfinder had to cut him off. On the flying machine, the world "full" lit up and the Dreamfinder had to inform Figment that the bag could not hold any more ideas. He then told both Figment and the guests that, "We must store these ideas with the others in the Dreamport. ". When Figment asked how far away the Dreamport was, the Dreamfinder told him that it was never far away, when they used their imagination.

Guests would then travel with the Dreamfinder and Figment to the Dreamport. Here, they would see various objects, ideas, and thoughts covered with gears and cogs. The Dreamport was the place where the Dreamfinder and Figment stored all of their ideas. At this point, guests could see the Dreamfinder's bag, hooked up to a machine known as the Imaginometer. The Imaginometer, sorted through the ideas, grouping them together. The groups that the Imaginometer sorted included: dreams, sights, words, sounds, colors and ideas. The machine also had a meter which read how full the Imaginometer was.To the left of the machine, was gold container labled, "Deep Thoughts". Guests could see inside the container, through a window. Inside the Dreamport guests would also see

  • A giant coffee pit pouring coffee right above guests heads
  • A chest labeled "Fog Bank"
  • A box, which opened to reveal numerous clapping hands
  • Rainbow colored cylinders
  • Mini lightning bolts and a tornado which created a "brain storm"
  • A neon sign which read "Neon"
  • Molecular structures
  • Bags which held the warm North wind and the cold South wind. They would blast guests when the ride vehicles went by.
  • Barrels with the word "laugh" written on them.
  • A bird cage containing musical notes, sitting on perches.
  • A File cabinet which was labeled "Buzzes", "Groans", "Barks", "Oohs" and "Aahs". Guests could also hear these noises.
  • A bottle of Morning Miss perfume, which sprayed guests and made the room smell like fresh flowers.

After exiting the Dreamport, guests would enter the art scene. Here, spouts poured "Sun Rays," "Molten Lava," and "Gem Stones", which the Dreamfinder then used to paint with. He then used his paintbrush (which changed colors depending on what he was painting) to create a river, flowers and animals. In this scene, the Dreamfinder would sing:

"Mix red and gold

From autumn flowers
Purple and blue
From twilight hours
Green summer hills
And rainbows play a part, ha, ha
A painter's brush,
A work of art"

As guests continued on, they could see various 3D animals and flowers. They were all colored white and appeared to made out of paper. The objects were lit with colorful lights, and serine music could be heard. Guests could see a large fish, lion, ostrich, unicorn and camel are rotating under a giant flower. In the art scene, guests could see Figment sitting at the base of a group of flowers wearing a beret and tie. He was painting the rainbow that he had mentioned earlier, while sitting next to a pot of gold

The scene then shifted to the "Tales of Terror" segment. As the clouds which lined the top of the room turned grey and angry, the Dreamfinder could be seen playing a haunting tune on a volcano shaped, organ. The organ is also unique, in that it has a typewriter for a keyboard, instead of the standard musical keyboard. As the Dreamfinder played, lava and smoke would erupt from the top of the volcano. The words would then turn into words such as "Horror," "Danger," and "Thrill". In this room, the Dreamfinder sang:

One chilling word

Like shriek or killer
Can spark the mind
To start a thriller
Add some more sparks
Like dagger, blood, and gory
And then,
A mystery story!

In this room, Figment could once again be seen. He would be holding three blocks which spelled out the world "CAT". Behind him, a shadow of cat could be seen. Figment would then turn the "C" to a "B", to create the word "BAT". When he turned the block, the shadow would change to one of a bat. At this point, guests would would enter another room with large rock words. Words here included, "Avalanche," "Tumble," "Sway," and "Shake". The words would perform the action that they depicted (ie. the word "Avalanche" would look like it was about to fall over). Guests would then see the word "Surprise" light up on the wall, before a room full of fireworks was revealed. The tub of fireworks shells on guests right, would explode in the area above them. The fireworks would spell out words such as "Twinkle", "Flash", and "Sparkle. The crackling fireworks would give way to a star-field where a red genie would appear and disappear.

At this point, the scene once again shifted, now showing a magical library. Here, books with names such as "Serpents", "Trolls", "Giants", "Leprechauns", "Knights", "Dragons", and "Eyes". The phrase "Once Upon a Time" could also be seen here, leading guests towards a castle. Lightning would then strike, as the word "lightning" appeared to guests. Figment could then be seen holding a flickering candle. The candle cast a shadow of the word "Shadow" onto an open book behind him. On guests left, they could read the word "Dungeon", as red eyes of monsters peered at them. Figment could then be seen hanging from chains on the ceiling, and holding a book entitled, "Nightmare". At this point, guests could hear a Raven cawing, and see it's shadow on an open book. The book was actually Edgar Allen Poe's poem the Raven, with the page reading, ""Quoth the raven, nevermore.". A book reading vampires could then be seen along with a book titled, "Monsters" which Figment was trying to keep closed.

Fun Facts and Trivia

Walter Elias Disney and WED Enterprises, Walt Disney Imagineering's name when the ride was constructed, and "TB" for Imagineer Tony Baxter.