Last modified on 19 June 2012, at 14:13

The Great Movie Ride

Revision as of 14:13, 19 June 2012 by Mmouse (Talk | contribs)

Gangster Version

The Great Movie ride begins with guests boarding their ride vehicles and being introduced to their tour guide. After asking if everybody is ready, the guide tells them its show time, before telling C.B. (famous Hollywood director Cécile B. Demile) that everyone is ready to go. As C.B. yells “Action!” the ride vehicles begin to move and the song “Hooray for Hollywood” begins to play. As the tour begins, the tour guide tells guests that the Great Movie Ride brings movies to life and puts guests “right in the middle of the action”.

The first movie that guests enter is Footlight Parade. Guests pass by a pyramid of chorus girls as bubbles float down from above. The tour guide then tells guests that they are visiting the 1933 Busby Burkley musical, which starred James Cagney, Ruby Keeler, and Dick Powel. As the vehicles continue forward, the vehicles pass by Gene Kelly performing “Singing In the Rain”. As Kelly sings, the tour guide informs guests that Gene Kelly co-directed the 1952 classic.

The next scene that guests come upon is from Disney’s 1964 film Marry Poppins. Guests pass by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. The duo sings the song “Chim Chim Cheree” from the movie. As the rid continues, the tour guide warns guests that they better hold onto their purses and wallets, as they are entering a bad neighborhood. As the cars enter a dirty alley, guests can see a fight going on in an apartment. The tour guide then says:

In fact, it looks a lot like the Underworld. The scene of such classic gangster films like Public Enemy. Starring one of my favorite tough guys, James Cagney.

At this point, Cagney appears on the right, where he yells for somebody to “open up in their”. On the left of the cars, two men are hiding behind some boxes, apparently expecting trouble. One of the men, named Beans tells his partner Squid to get down because somebody is coming. As the vehicles pass the two thugs, the stoplight up the street turns red. As the tour guide stops at the red light, a gangster emerges from the shadows, and hijacks the ride vehicle, telling the tour guide:

The heats on, see? And your fancy car’s my ticket outta here. So beat it!

After the gangster (whose name is reviled to be Mugsy) gets rid of the tour guide, a 1930’s car come screeching into the scene. The gangsters in the car begin to shoot at Beans and Squid, who are still hiding behind the boxes. During the gun fight, Mugsy makes her escape, leaving her accomplices behind. Telling guests that “Runnin’ a red light’s against the law, and I never break the law”, Mugsy shoots out the red light and the vehicles move onto the next scene.

The next scene that cars enter, is an old western town. Here, guests can see Clint Eastwood on their left, and John Wayne on their right. As guests pass by, Wayne warns them:

Well, that’s a mighty tough territory you’re headin’ into, pilgrim. I’d think about turnin’ back if I were you.

Ignoring Wayne, Mugsy decides that she is going to collect the guests valuables, just as she starts the process, the voice of the town’s sheriff can be heard, telling the townsfolk that Mugsy is “the bank robber”. As gunfire begins from either side of the vehicle, Mugsy tells guests that she’s getting out of there, and guests proceed into the next room. As guests enter the next scene, the attraction’s narrator informs them that, “This is ‘Alien’. You are with Sigourney Weaver aboard the spaceship Nostromo. Something has gone wrong. One by one, the crew has vanished and somewhere in the ship, a terrifying creature waits to claim its next victim”. As warning sirens go off, guests are informed that ship will detonate in 10 minutes. Then, the alien can be seen overhead, it begins to try an attack the ship. After the first attack, the alien attacks again from the top, and then from the side. Mugsy decides that she has finally had enough, and guests leave the Alien scene.

The next room that guests enter holds the Indiana Jones scene. As the movie’s theme song plays, Indiana and his assistant are shown carrying the Ark of the Covenant. The ride’s announcer then says:

Here, in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” amid a thousand deadly snakes, Indiana Jones unearths a great treasure. Will Harrison Ford escape with his discovery? And what will be your fate? Beware.

As the vehicle continues forward, guests pass by hieroglyphics on the walls. On the right, a set of stairs leads to a glowing red jewel. The ride announcer informs guests that they are in an ancient burial chamber, where the priceless jewel is held. Mugsy, cannot believe what she sees, and she goes to get the stone, telling guests to stay put. After she exits the vehicle, the ride announcer tells guests that the jewel is guarded by a curse, and that those who defy it, will pay with their lives.

Just as Mugsy is about to reach the jewel, the Temple Guardian puts his hand up, telling them that if she disturbs the treasure of the God’s she will die. Mugsy is not discouraged, and she attempts to grab the jewel. After touching the stone, Mugsy goes up in smoke, and we learn that the temple guardian was actually our tour guide. Nothing is left of Mugsy except a skeleton. The tour guide, who has no returned to the vehicle, says that “That just goes to show you, anything can happen in the movies. Now let’s get on with the show.”

Following the return of their tour guide, guests enter a dark area filled with skeletons. The tour guide tells them that the horror genre’s golden age may have come in the 1930’s and 40s, however the genre is still very popular today. The attraction then moves to a jungle scene. Guests are informed that they are inside one of the Tarzan films starring Johnny Weissmuller. On their left, guests can see Weissmuller swing by on a vine, while Jane (played by Maureen O’Sullivan), and Cheetah the chimp look on from the left.

As guests leave the Tarzan scene, they enter the Wizard of Oz. On their left, the Wicked Witch of the East can be seen, crushed by a house. Around the room, Munchkins pop up and sing "Ding dong, the witch is dead". After the vehicle is in the room, the tour guide tells guests:

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. How often do you get to say that? I'd say we're over the rainbow in one of the most beloved movies of all time, "The Wizard of Oz."

All of the sudden, the Wicked Witch of the West appears in a cloud of smoke and asks the tour guide of she killed her sister. When the guide replies no, the Witch warns that she is going "to get you, and your little dog too". Following the witch's departure, the tour guide wonders aloud how they will ever get home. On cue, a munchkin appears, exclaiming "Follow the yellow brick road". As the ride begins to move again, the tour guide tells guests to sing along. Moving forward, guests pass Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion as they walk towards Oz.

Finally, the trams stop moving in front of a large movie screen.