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Journey Into Imagination with Figment

21 bytes added, 19:59, 26 March 2014
/* Journey Into Your Imagination (1999-2001) */
After entering their ride vehicles, guests moved forward and stopped in front of a large mirror. Here the Imagination Scanner would scan them, to determine what they were imagining. Dr. Nigel Channing would then inform guests that there was, "Not much going on" in their imagination (with the scanner showing cobwebs and even a “vacancy” sign), which was perfect for the experiment. The tour of the labs then began in the Sound Room, where guests were challenged to "see what you hear". The room was almost completely dark, but inside guests could hear various noises such as: a baby crying, a trumpet, a toilet flushing and finally, a train roaring by. As guests transitioned into the Illusion Lab, Nigel informed them that “"When the laws of physics and common sense are shattered, imagination takes over". In the Illusion Lab, guests could see a looking glass illusion that seemed to magnifying a room, as well as and a cinder block breaking through a glass table (that actually had no glass). Continuing on, riders based by giant cage which appeared to be empty, after further inspection however, guests could see a camouflaged giant butterfly. Another illusion in the lab was a fish that seemed to by swimming out of water, although this was obviously not actually the case.
[[Image:JourneyyourJourneyyour2.jpg|thumb|The Guests inside the Gravity Lab on Journey Into ''Your'' Imagination sign.]]
After exiting the Illusion Lab, guests entered the Color of Sound room. Here, large screens showed how imagination relates colors to sound. For example, when the screen was red, guests would hear something cooking, when it was green they could hear rainforest sounds, and finally a metallic color allowed guests to hear a space ship blasting off. After leaving the Color of Sound guests would enter the Connection Room, where they were surrounded by stars, which when connected properly, could create images of animals. The final room in the tour was the Gravity Lab, where everything that was supposed to be down was up. In this room, guests could look on the ceiling to see upside down rooms, including a bathroom and a kitchen. There were also mirrors located here, which showed guests upside down.