
/* Midnight Ride of Paul Revere */
===Midnight Ride of Paul Revere===
The Paul Revere version of Great Moments in History begins with Kermit singing the shows theme song (also titled Great Moments in History) , from a window above the Heritage House. As he is singing, Sam the Eagles appears in the window next to him. Greeting Sam, Kermit asks what tale they will be telling today. Sam announces that it will be The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Kermit then sings that its time to bring some friends out to help tell the story. On queue, Gonzo, Fozzie and Miss Piggy appear. The group then sings the rest of Great Moments in History. Taking center stage, Sam says that as the official Liberty Square historian he is proud to present a dramatic performance of Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (with additional dialogue by Sam the Eagle).
[[Image:Samtheeagles.jpg|400px|thumb|Sam the Eagle performing in Great Moments in American History. Photo by Theme Park Tourist]]
After cuing the patriotic music, Sam begins reading the poem's first line, "listen my children...". Although only halfway through the first sentence, Sam is interrupted by chickens, who begin clucking and running around him. When Sam demands to know what is going on, Gonzo appears and states that Sam said "listen my chicken". After Sam ushers the chickens and Gonzo off stage, he begins to recite the poem again. When Sam mentions Paul Revere, both Kermit and Miss Piggy appear on stage to play the roll. After Kermit informs Piggy that she can't play Revere or any other Founding Father, because they were all men, Piggy leaves stage saying, "we'll see about that".  Getting back to the story, Paul Revere tells his friends to put one lantern in the window if they British are coming by land and two if by sea. Fozzie then appears holding a lantern and saying "no problemo". Much to the chagrin of Sam however, Fozzie then says that he will put "three if by monorail, four if by pogo stick". Sam and Kermit both yell at Fozzie, who falls over, breaking his lamps.
As Paul Revere sees two lanterns in the window he goes to mount his horse. Unfortunately, the horse to be used in the play is sick, so Gonzo brings out a stick horse. Discouraged, Sam continues his story, saying that Revere road "by the light of the silvery moon". As he finishes his sentence, music begins playing and cheap moon prop appears at the end of a stick. Miss Piggy then appears in the center window and begins performing "By the Light of the Silvery Moon", with Gonzo and Fozzie helping. When Kermit asks Piggy what she's doing, she says that she has written herself into the play. When Kermit says she can't do that, Piggy karate chops him into the wall.
Continuing on with the story, Kermit (as Revere) announces that "the redcoats are coming!". When no redcoats appear, an exasperated Sam demands to know where they are. Piggy and the chickens (in British uniforms) then appear in the center window. Gonzo and Sam then begin to argue about the chickens being in the play, and Kermit and Piggy fight over her involvement in the playaltogether. Chaos ensues, and Fozzie appears onstage to tell Kermit that if things keep up, "the play will be history". Agreeing, Kermit blows his whistle and everyone comes to attention. The group then sings Great Moments in American History, and the show ends.
====Watch the Show====
Click below to see The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere version of Great Moments in American History: